In September, securities watchdogs bark more, bite less

The Securities and Exchange Commission acts as Wall Street's traffic cop, fining companies for such infractions as securities fraud and insider trading. New research from Texas McCombs finds another parallel between the SEC ...

Why have venture capitalists become so founder-friendly?

Companies backed by venture capitalists ("VCs") have a disproportionate influence on our economy; they provide funding to less than 0.25% of new businesses, but more than 47% of US companies that went public between 1995 ...

To sound like a hockey player, speak like a Canadian

As a hockey player, Andrew Bray was familiar with the slang thrown around the "barn" (hockey arena). As a linguist, he wanted to understand how sport-specific jargon evolved and permeated across teams, regions, and countries. ...

Have smartphones killed the art of conversation?

Once upon a time, human relationships unfolded without smartphones. The reality may be hard to recall, so profoundly have these devices transformed the way we relate to the world and others in fifteen years or so.

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