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By listening, scientists learn how a protein folds

By converting their data into sounds, scientists discovered how hydrogen bonds contribute to the lightning-fast gyrations that transform a string of amino acids into a functional, folded protein.

A second chance for a new antibiotic agent

An increasing number of bacteria have become resistant to many commonly used antibiotics. Researchers from Bochum have discovered a fresh opportunity for a potential active molecule whose predecessor was rejected. By studying ...

More news

Analytical Chemistry
First direct imaging of radioactive cesium atoms in environmental samples
Analytical Chemistry
A novel multifunctional catalyst turns methane into valuable hydrocarbons
Analytical Chemistry
How high-pressure techniques can induce changes in crystalline materials
Researchers identify drug compounds that can reduce prion protein levels in infected cells
Analytical Chemistry
New research employs shutter speed analogies to validate 55-year-old theory about chemical reaction rates
Analytical Chemistry
New photocatalyst to improve decarbonization and other chemical reactions
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers unlock vital insights into metal-nitrogen-carbon catalysts' reaction mechanism
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers develop increasingly sustainable methods for dissolving gold, silver and copper from recycled materials
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists succeed in synthesizing a molecule first predicted 20 years ago
Machine learning model uncovers new drug design opportunities
Finding the chink in coronavirus's armor—experiment reveals how the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 protects itself
Researchers precisely characterize styrene oxide isomerase, which could help yield 'green' chemicals and drug precursors
Analytical Chemistry
Scientists develop an affordable sensor for lead contamination
Analytical Chemistry
Exploring interface phenomena for more durable and effective nickel–tungsten alloys
Soy biodiesel byproduct could enhance 3D printing industry
Analytical Chemistry
Research team makes hydroxylamine from air and water
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers propose deep blue OLED design exhibiting BT.2020 color gamut
Analytical Chemistry
Investigating the poisoning effect of carbon deposition during CO₂ electroreduction
Study shows how avocado pruning residues can be used to produce more sustainable food packaging
Analytical Chemistry
Chainmail catalysts: Carbon-encapsulated FeNi alloys for enhanced oxygen electrocatalysis

Other news

General Physics
A model outlining the microscopic origin of black hole entropy
Earth Sciences
New 3D models reveal how warming climate affects underwater ocean tides
This modified stainless steel could kill bacteria without antibiotics or chemicals
Earth Sciences
Alaska's rusting waters: Pristine rivers and streams turning orange
New quantum dot approach can enhance electrical conductivity of solar cells
Earth Sciences
Can coal mines be tapped for rare earth elements?
Plants & Animals
Genetic drift, not natural selection, identified as main factor driving speciation in endangered pupfish species
Plants & Animals
How cockroaches spread around the globe to become the pest we know today
Plants & Animals
After hundreds of years, study confirms Bermuda now home to cownose rays
Plants & Animals
Genes provide hope for the survival of Arabia's last big cat
Legacy of Indigenous stewardship of camas dates back more than 3,500 years, study finds
Earth Sciences
Satellite radar data uncover 'vigorous melting' at Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier
Plants & Animals
Study finds cloudy waters may drive African fish to develop bigger eyes
REBELS-25 is a dynamically cold disk galaxy, observations find
Bio & Medicine
Lipid nanoparticle-mRNA regimen reverses inflammation and aids recovery from diabetic wounds in mice
Webb cracks case of inflated exoplanet
Planetary Sciences
Webb Telescope offers first glimpse of an exoplanet's interior
Study explores long-term impacts of climate change on plant pollinators and food production
Study investigates enhancing superconductivity of graphene-calcium superconductors
Optics & Photonics
Scientists discover single atom defect in 2D material can hold quantum information at room temperature

Hot compression bonding helps achieve seamless CLAM steel joint

China low activation martensitic (CLAM) steel, as a typical reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, is the main candidate structural material for fusion reactors due to its low activation, high mechanical properties, ...