
Creating room to breathe on the microscale

Respiratory distress syndrome is the second major cause of newborn mortality. Health care providers especially struggle to deliver oxygen to preterm newborns, who account for roughly one-tenth of all births in the U.S., because ...

Spraying efficiently: Breaking up is hard to do

Atomizing liquids is vital to fuel-air mixing. Using oscillating liquid streams, breakup and drop formation can be improved compared to common straight jets. But the many dynamic interactions make it difficult for scientists ...

Using fibre-optic cables to detect earthquakes

Fibre-optic cables can be used to detect earthquakes and other ground movements. The data cables can also pick up seismic signals from hammer shots, passing cars or wave movements in the ocean. This is the result of a study ...

Infrared NASA image reveals Hurricane Fabio's power

When NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Hurricane Fabio in the Eastern Pacific Ocean it had strengthened into a hurricane hours earlier. Infrared imagery showed that Fabio appeared more organized.

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