
Robotic crawler detects wear in power lines

To your left runs a high-voltage power cable that is worn, but still physically sound. To your right runs a cable that looks identical, but damaged insulation means the cable is vulnerable to a short. Can you tell the difference?

First Images from Hinode Offer New Clues About Our Violent Sun

Instruments aboard a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency satellite named Hinode, or "Sunrise," are returning extraordinary new images of our sun. The international mission to study the forces that drive the violent, explosive ...

Caribbean Earthquake Model

Researchers at the University of Arkansas and Purdue University have monitored tiny tectonic movements in the Caribbean to create the first comprehensive and quantitative kinematic model describing potential earthquake activity ...

Scientists Predict Big Solar Cycle

Evidence is mounting: the next solar cycle is going to be a big one. Solar cycle 24, due to peak in 2010 or 2011 "looks like its going to be one of the most intense cycles since record-keeping began almost 400 years ago," ...

How does aspirin crystallize?

When you get a headache, you probably reach for aspirin. What is giving researchers a headache is the question of the crystal structure of aspirin. Is there another form on top of the long-known one?

Laser experiments reveal strange properties of superfluids

Princeton University electrical engineers are using lasers to shed light on the behavior of superfluids -- strange, frictionless liquids that are difficult to create and study. Their technique allows them to simulate experiments ...

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