
'Wireless home' becomes a reality

The wireless home, where multiple gadgets share an online connection, is moving from sci-fi speculation to reality for millions of WiFi users. According to reports from StrategyAnalytics, 20 percent of broadband subscribers ...

Networking: Small firms struggling

Small and medium-size enterprises are lagging on IT security, and many still utilize first-generation security solutions that are now ineffective against significant threats that may sabotage their networks, experts are telling ...

Drug discovery team to explore newly discovered deep-sea reefs

From May 22-30, Harbor Branch scientists, along with colleagues from the University of Miami, will use the Harbor Branch Johnson-Sea-Link II submersible to explore for the first time newly discovered deep-sea reefs between ...

Dog to be world's first whale poop expert

University of Washington scientists are training an Australian cattle dog for an unusual assignment: detecting whale excrement to help the endangered mammals.

Einstein papers to go on sale in London

A collection of Albert Einstein's papers are to go on sale next month in London, reportedly expected to garner at least $1.5 million.

Thin Colorado snowpack reported again

Another warm and dry spring in Colorado has resulted in a thin snow pack possibly increasing risk of wildfires and parched farm fields, a report said.

Research highlights how bacteria produce energy

The world's smallest life forms could be the answer to one of today's biggest problems: providing sustainable, renewable energy for the future. Using a variety of natural food sources, bacteria can be used to create electricity, ...

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