
Facebook's 'rat-catching team' spies on employees: report

Silicon Valley's tech giants are famously secretive—after all their proprietary products and services are worth billions—but a new report alleges that Facebook goes to Orwellian lengths to keep its workers from talking ...

Wind, sea ice changes suggest climate change in western Arctic

A major shift in western Arctic wind patterns occurred throughout the winter of 2017 and the resulting changes in sea ice movement are possible indicators of a changing climate, says Kent Moore, a professor of physics at ...

Study: Living abroad leads to a clearer sense of self

Living abroad can clarify your sense of self, according to new research by a team of social scientists at Rice University, Columbia University and the University of North Carolina.

Researchers map San Antonio's music scene

Innovative music research is underway at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). The university's music marketing coordinator and his undergraduate students are using geographic information system (GIS) technology ...

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