
Team reports diamond ring architecture of a protein complex

NuA4/Tip60, a complex with diamond ring architecture, is required for regulatory and repairing processes. Prof. CAI Gang and Prof. Jacques Côté's team reports the 4.7 Å structure of the yeast NuA4/TIP60 complex, which ...

Three genes essential for cells to tell time

One family of genes allows cells to adapt to daily changes in environmental conditions by adjusting the circadian clock responsible for regular sleep-wake cycles. The new discovery by University of Tokyo scientists reveals ...

Shedding light on the mystery of the superconducting dome

University of Groningen physicists, and colleagues from Nijmegen and Hong Kong, have induced superconductivity in a monolayer of tungsten disulfide. By using an increasing electric field, they were able to show how the material ...

Swarming drones could help fight Europe's megafires

Swarms of firefighting drones could one day be deployed to tackle hugely destructive megafires that are becoming increasingly frequent in the Mediterranean region because of climate change, arson and poor landscape management.

Amazon deforestation is close to tipping point

Deforestation of the Amazon is about to reach a threshold beyond which the region's tropical rainforest may undergo irreversible changes that transform the landscape into degraded savanna with sparse, shrubby plant cover ...

Thawing permafrost produces more methane than expected

Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas that is roughly 30 times more harmful to the climate than carbon dioxide (CO2). Both gases are produced in thawing permafrost as dead animal and plant remains are decomposed. However, ...

Studying the visual recognition abilities of rodents

The visual process that allows humans to recognize the gender or emotional state of another person is very sophisticated. Until recently, only primates were believed able to perform such complex operations as object recognition. ...

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