
Life satisfaction and electricity consumption

A nation's electricity consumption has been seen as a useful proxy for measuring economic growth offering a useful alternative to conventional measures such as gross domestic product (GDP) by incorporating the assumption ...

Hubble takes Mars portrait near close approach

During May 2016 the Earth and Mars get closer to each other than at any time in the last ten years. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has exploited this special configuration to catch a new image of our red neighbour, showing ...

How plants conquered the land

Research at the University of Leeds has identified a key gene that assisted the transition of plants from water to the land around 500 million years ago.

Tropical Cyclone 01B named Roanu and is strengthening

Tropical Cyclone 01B became more organized and was named Roanu early on Thursday, May 19, 2016. This makes it the first cyclone of the monsoon season. Before this storm was named it had already caused massive landslides and ...

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