
New synthetic self-assembling macromolecules mimic nature

We take "self-assembly" for granted when it is carried out by the biopolymers which are our hair, teeth, or skin. But when scientists devise new ways for molecules to self assemble into new materials, it is an important achievement.

New bird species found in Idaho

One does not expect to discover a bird species new to science while wandering around the continental United States. Nor does one expect that such a species would provide much insight into how coevolutionary arms races promote ...

Wireless in the Sky: Hearst Builds Tower of the Future

Media icon Hearst has built a 46-story, 856,000-square-foot structure designed to utilize the latest wireless technology. Hearst's new tower, with its diamond-shaped windows and distinctive triangular frame, cuts a unique ...

More Video Games, Fewer Books at Schools?

Of all of the proposals aimed at improving America's failing schools, there's one idea kids will really like: more video games and fewer books. At least a number of educators hope so, arguing that children would get more ...

Mathematicians solve E8 structure (Update)

A transatlantic team of number-crunchers announced they had built a theoretical structure in 248 dimensions, resolving a 120-year puzzle that could be used to test theories about the structure of the cosmos.

Rare black vulture in rehabilitation

A rare black vulture that lost its direction is being rehabilitated in Thailand at Kasetsart University's Kamphaeng Saen campus.

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