
Dancing the Time Warp in the quantum world

Imagine dancing in a nightclub – and it’s your movements that are controlling not only the sound but also a range of stunning, bright visual effects surrounding you.

Visualizing a photosensitizer complex in action

A Japanese research group comprised of Dr. Tokushi Sato, Professor Shunsuke Nozawa, and Professor Shin-ichi Adachi of the Institute of Materials Structure Science at KEK, Professor Hiroshi Fujii of the Institute of Molecular ...

Enzyme's 'hop' offers tips on epigenetic gene expression

(Phys.org) -- UC Santa Barbara researchers' discovery of a variation of an enzyme's ability to "hop" as it moves along DNA, modifying the genetic material of a bacteria — and its physical capability and behavior — ...

Grappling with a Titanic mystery

A century after the sinking of the Titanic — a disaster retold and reconstructed in films, books, art and science — a City Tech professor has presented a new theory about how the doomed luxury liner broke apart, ...

Barnstorming the Moon's Giordano Bruno Crater

At the 2012 Lunar Science Forum going on this week at the NASA Lunar Science Institute, scientist Mark Robinson presented some new stunning images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s cameras (LROC), including this ...

Profiteers of climate change in the Arctic

Climate change has made it easier to gain access to the Arctic for the extraction of fossil fuels. It is also opening up shipping routes that were once mostly covered by ice. As an analysis by ETH Zurich’s 'Center for ...

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