
How a bat's brain navigates

Most of what we know about how the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory formation and spatial representations, comes from research done on rodents. Rat brains have taught us a lot, but researchers in ...

Predicting the fate of oil spills in Arctic sea ice

Sea ice is more complicated than you might think. It's not solid. It's much more like a sponge, shot through with tiny channels and pores that can contain salt, briny sea water, or air bubbles.

Protecting our coasts naturally

As sea levels rise and coastal communities face the threat of erosion and flooding, coastal defence structures, often built with concrete, have become the norm in many parts of the world.

Sweden may need to revise approach to the spread of earthworms

In North America, the spread of European earthworms is a known environmental issue as it has turned out that some of these species are capable of altering entire forest ecosystems. In Sweden, we have so far had a positive ...

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