
Learning how (and how not) to learn

It's sad but true: most of us never learned how to learn, even though we're expected to do it all the time. This is especially true for college students, who fall prey to ineffective study habits, like reading their notes ...

Using big data to help manage global natural assets

Research led by the University of Southampton is helping to tackle one of the biggest sustainability challenges—looking after and nurturing the natural resources in the world around us.

In time for Valentine's Day: Are we the loneliest generation?

Despite worldwide Valentine's Day celebrations, an increasing number of people around the globe are single. Recent Pew polling predicts that approximately 25% of those born in the United States right now will never marry. ...

How do protein tangles get so long in Alzheimer's?

Early in the course of Alzheimer's disease—long before future patients begin to notice symptoms—neurofibrillary tangles composed of tau protein aggregates begin to form in their brain cells. How toxic these aggregates ...

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